This item can be viewed with VR devices.
Let's go and play in Cat Girl Idol, Mik*-nyan's room!
You can look at her, touch her and...
just perhaps do something even naughtier!? All in VR!
HTC VIVE: Compatible and tested.
Oculus Rift CV1: With a Touch controller and SteamVR
we've heard that it is possible to play from start to end.
(However, Oculus is currently outside of our support.
Confirm system compatibility via the Trial Version.
We may or may not officially support it in future.)
PlayStation VR, Rift DK Series, Smartphone VR Devices,
VIVE Tracker and other such devices are not supported.
In this case, we recommend playing in PC mode.
Daily Part: Interact with Mik*-nyan in her room.
H Part: Thoroughly enjoy some nyan nyan
meow meow hanky panky with Mik*-nyan on the bed.