The protagonist of the Soitari Yukito was looking for a summer job with a part-time job, he accidentally saw an advertising magazine with one job announcement with a really good salary. He quickly contacted the employer and found out that the place was not yet occupied, he quickly agrees. The job was to be a servant in the mansion. He arrived on the first day of his work. Upon arriving at a mansion located deep in the mountains, he was surprised by the size of the garden and the luxurious building itself ... everything corresponded to the rich of the rich. The beautiful mistress of the mansion and her equally beautiful daughters came out to meet him. However, that day his expectations turned into desperation bewilderment, and then. By the time he found out the reason for the high salary that was offered to him for the work of a simple master, it was already too late ... the work that was waiting for him had only the general name of the versatile worker. He joined several other servants in the full possession of the owner of the mansion, who is given work with the covetousness of each perverted whim of her odd family.