Martha(41yo) is a simple housewife who from time to time hires temporary workers to do small repairs and collect apples, the fruit she sells to support the income of the house
where she lives with her daughter Stacey (20yo). Rocky(18yo) and Jennifer(18yo) are two young people who met at Martha's house. Both were hired temporarily to do small day-to-day jobs,
such as weeding, picking apples and doing small repairs. On day that seems to be like any other day, something very unusual happens. Some of the inhabitants of the Kingdom experienced
the effect of a physical transformation. Martha, who also received this "gift of fate", is going to turn to the witch for help and asks the guys to bring apples to cook a pie for the witch as gift,
but the situation changes dramatically...
Pies'n'Apples this is a fairy tale for adults, which invites you to "dive down the rabbit hole". World full of usual characters, beauty, erotism, softness, intrigues, danger etc.
This game shows a completely fictional world inhabited by humans and other races, monsters and various creatures. In this story, our characters (and not only) constantly
find themselves in different situations (again - for adults!). Funny, silly, dangerous incidents expect them in almost every step.
The game takes place around the 50s/60s, in fictional Kingdom, in the style of a small noir, rock'n'roll, and cozy slight echo of the old cinematograph + a good old time vibe.