The story takes place in the Norman Empire in the province of Cerrado. After the Norman Empire conquered Keter, the western part of the continent was divided into two parts, the Duchy of Sarich and the Duchy of Kros. After seven years of fighting for the throne, Sulipanaxa defeated all his rivals in Sarich. After a reign of seventy years, Chevener's discontent with the Normans was growing. The exiles from Keter, who had lost their country, also came to the region. It was then that the 13th Gryphon Legion of the Norman Empire suddenly rebelled, heralding the turmoil. At this time, the Norman Empire was ruled by Empress Catherine of Normandy. On the advice of her brother, Prince Nicholas of Norman, she sent her best legion, the Second Legion "Vetorem", from the north to the west to quell the unrest. One rainy summer day in southern Norman, rebels storming the city were repulsed by the sudden appearance of fresh troops.