Hero Hiro Aisawa graduated from college and married a friend of childhood Niina.
They rented a house and began to live together. The hero soon got used to work, and a new life seemed to float in the usual way ... except for one thing.
The only problem of a new life. The fact is that they were cold to a friend in bed since their wedding night.
Nina is shy, and did not want to talk about such things.
And the hero did not want to force his beloved wife to do something, and time flew so depressed.
One day, Nina met with a friend from the college for the first time after a long time.
They talked about the topic of male sexual desire and how problems on sexual grounds can lead to a divorce
"Did I really make Hiro suffer?" Nyina thought in alarm.
Then, she witnessed the fierce masturbation of Hiro.
"So he really suffers ..." The thought of divorce began to swirl in her head.
Although embarrassed, Nina began to look for ways to satisfy her beloved husband.