The first production of UMEMARO project! This is an adventure game with full-length movie! At the University of Youmei, several mysterious disappearance events including the director of the school have occurred in the past two months. The principal...
In the dystopian year 2023, the market for sex robots was booming. Their numbers were quickly surpassing the entire automotive industry, and the world's golden age seemed closer than ever before. Alas, a month later, an international scandal...
"Daemoland" is a country of demons surrounded by a massive forest. With ancient ruins and mazes, the only humans who venture to this land are adventurers. The terrifying monster country was... ruled by a shonen demon lord! The shonen...
There is a country blessed with the plentiful vegetation and clear water in the western part of the Aeinxia continent. The prosperity of the country owes a lot to so-called "Spirit of Water", that equals to gods in power. People are...
This is the sequel to "Damned, Kill me !!" On the continent of Dolgar, 100+ years have passed ... This is the tale of the Demon Lord's younger sister Edith, her journey around this chaotic land and her fight against the Orcish hordes to...
20XX year, evil organization "Imma corps" in the town where fighting girl Reina lives have been invaded as a surprise. Evil clutches to surging up to the school. Successor Reina visions of fighting surgery "naked KamiKen" in...
The world was created by two gods. One is Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. The other is Bartos, the evil god of chaos and pollution. That is why there is good and evil, light and darkness in the world. How long has it been since creation?...
The game is an action-oriented sidescroller, quite typical for this studio. We have five levels, each of which ends in a fight with the boss. In total, there are 15 "monsters" in the game, each of which has animation and CG....
Join the dark side! The story begins after Asha has Pikachu. Giovanni makes an offer to Ash, which he can not refuse. To do evil is your vocation. A new story, a new plot, new and old enemies and a new country....
Ceces a parody of the game Resident Evil, at your disposal is poor Rebecca, you have a choice of developing her relationship with the zombies: either you pump up talents of destroying zombies, or copulation with them)....