A stupid side scroller. The lady goes (like a turtle) on a micro level where tentacles fly and run mania-ninzi. A parody of Shinobi Girl.
Verdict - it would be better they painted dodgins.
"E" joystick operation switching
"W" keyboard switching
Stop "Enter" The suspend release
"P" status screen erasure
"O" status screen display
"ESC" the end of the game
"" forward
"" recession
"Z" Punch
"X" kick
(Power once available on each. 1 stage one state remaining) "SPACE" Special Moves
You Furihodoke by left and right to Get to (Rebagacha) the rape of operation key "" "".
It's out of it's still be rape.
Power recovery "@" and (one MAX4)
"I" speed up
"U" speed down
CG mode is released all by pressing the "R" and "R" title.