Game that is questioning and caught by an enemy of Kunoichi that has penetrated into the village of Torture. Narrative is not particularly erotic animation is the principal game. While there is a game elements, such as the unexpected for light, the...
"Kikyō," a Kunoichi who lacks combat skills but excels in her unique ability - "sexual skills." In order to accomplish her mission, she must infiltrate the enemy group. Can you help Kikyo successfully fulfill her mission?...
Collection of games from 3D Animation Series from NEKOKEN. 3-dimensional virtual sex with various girls, using different subjects and creatures. In the presence of tentacles, aliens, humanoid, mutants and the like ... Play in bakunyuu inran katei...
* Obliteration by fornication! * Karasu was a lawless ninja on the run. Hyoka and Monika are ninjettes who want to save the village. The two girls face up to the taboo-breaking ninja and his men's corrupted by the dark arts! Heavenbound: Sins of...
The hero, who dreams of becoming a kunoichi, is finally hired by a certain castle. He says goodbye to his childhood friend Musashi and leaves the village where he was born and raised, The men who live in the castle and castle town are a bunch of...
Do your best to get away from the mega horny kunoichi! It's an action-packed, cute-and-sexy game of tag! It's the newest in our series about running away, and it's even better than before! This time, your opponent is a ninja~ Can our runaway hero...
Long ago in the small mountain village Yamabuki no sato. Novice sisters lived and trained to be kunoichi. A stealthy clan called Kokurei no Kiba then their land. To take Yamabuki back, they stood against a shadowy enemy in battle of unprecedented...
Perform erotic mini quests using the same engine as Fuckerman, only renders are used instead of drawing, and video clips are used as sex scenes. The quests themselves are longer and more interesting than Fuckerman's List of games: 1. Version 1.0 2....
This work manipulates the heroine [Louis] who has obtained the power of magic, An omnibus-style short adult RPG that challenges each of the four stages. The main focus is situations that destroy the heroine's dignity, such as rape, hypnosis, battle...
Game that is questioning and caught by an enemy of Kunoichi that has penetrated into the village of Torture. Narrative is not particularly erotic animation is the principal game. While there is a game elements, such as the unexpected for light, the...
In Henry's Adventures you will play our young character "Henry" who lives in a small village in the mountains but who dreams of exploring the world and diving into various adventures. One day something strange happens to him. His journey...
In Japan's Warring States period, demons known as "warlords" run rampant, as they feed on the malice of humanity. The people cower in fear at the warlords' oppression, and impotently accept their subjugation. But there is one ray of light...