Mimi is a stupid, sweet girl, and is at the age when she is attracted to boys.
Her dream is to marry a rich and handsome man and live in a large mansion.
At the moment she constantly receives letters asking to meet with the boys from school.
One day Mimi's friend invited her to go to the castle with ghosts.
First, Mimi refuses, but is led to a lie, they say, there lives a rich handsome man.
Why does her friend lie? Because the boy who loves her, asked Mimi about her feelings,
but, as always, Mimi rejected him. Therefore, an angry and jealous friend leaves her alone
in a ghostly abandoned estate for one night.
"Do you think that a beautiful and rich man lives here? In fact - you are stupid, Mimi! ".
Mimi is looking for a way out, but suddenly there is none other than the one she was looking for!
"Oh, marry me, Mr. Handsome!" Screams Mimi.
But man is not mortal. He's not even human. He is the prince of demons.
"If you can find a way out, I'll be your husband," said the prince.