This is Kovadis Magic Academy, where young aspiring witches from all over come to study. One day, protagonist Iris is summoned by the academy headmaster. She is told she failed the advancement examination, even though for the past two years, she's...
In Eingard, a world of swords and magic, Iris and her friends took on the sorcerer Vector. But her friends were cowed by the power of the enemy, betrayed Iris, and joined Vector's side. The betrayal sent Iris plummeting into a lower world, to the...
You came to Egypt in search of adventure to your fifth point, as well as to conquer the heart of the beautiful queen Opala. But then came her evil but no less beautiful sister, Sister Osira. Who will you help: Sweet and kind Opala? Or will you...
A CIA agent flies to Nippon (Japan) in a mission, there he meets a young naive girl called Ayame. Over the course of his mission they fall in love and he asks her to move to Heaven City with him, having never met her father and having her mother...
One day, a girl living in the village of Fornier, Iris received the goddess' oracle which foretells: the calamity will break out of its seal and Doomsday shall come. As if to trace what her parents did, Iris makes up her mind to go on an adventure....
This is an ancient Egyptian-like kingdom ...... It is ruled peacefully by a beautiful brown-breasted queen. Mysterious slogan competitions are held from time to time at the queen's discretion. The winner of the game The winner of the game is given...
"What? I'm the new demon queen?" The RPG tale of a newly appointed evil lordess who uses sex to conquer the people. With: 27 ecchi scenes + extra, including failed battle H and 5 alternate costumes. Prostitution and stripping features....
This is a story about Iris, a girl who learned that her younger sister is being transferred to her school, and will live with her until the end of the semester. Despite the fact that she never met her sister, Iris is going to catch up, and make...
Our protagonist called "Queen" who was given a superhuman power by means of body modification is targeted by evil creatures because of her unique physical characteristics. So-called fiends, people modified in the same way as Queen, stalk...
Orlando was the proud hero of the kingdom, a strong and brave man blessed by the princess herself. He was destined to fight the demon queen and save the kingdom from two hundred years of darkness. Unfortunately, he lost. Now he languishes in the...
Raimi Mido - the invincible queen of the underground ring. Her overwhelming power attracts the viewers. The public is secretly awaiting the arrival of one who overcomes her .........
Simple cartoon game. The game is quick to complete. I love games where there are fat women with big boobs! For example, like this one