Xinbin Huang and his younger sister Yurou Huang were orphaned as a result of an automobile accident. After losing their father, Xinbin took on the responsibility of taking care of Yurou. The protagonist and his sister have to take their first steps...
Tsundere Idol is the story of Kota, a mild-mannered student in Japan and idol sensation Rui Kurumizaka. After Kota steps up to claim ownership of an S&M magazine that spilled out onto the floor during a stereotypical romantic encounter between...
"You're the idol you used to sing to on stage?" After their first live performance, Nobuyuki and Ai have a fateful encounter with the top idol, Nagisa Yukihiro. Six months later. With Miwako's kindness, Nobuyuki and his friends attend a...
"Hochika" - Idol of the Underground on the rise to fame. Despite the pleasant smile she displays on stage when she returns into the office, she lets popularity take over and refuses to do what she's told. One day, she finally falls into...
You are Nick a rookie at the NewCoralCity University At the begin of the game. You'll have a Roommates, Aiden, and a Childhood friens, Brooke, that will help you in the school's jungle. And what do you have to do? You have to study, improve your...
Your life and career as a top talent manager are ruined when your top talent Summer Xia betrays you, to run a huge entertainment conglomerate. She takes everything from you, leaving you with nothing. Determined to regain your dignity as a manager,...
Takumi, Ranko, Fumika and Shizuku are all energetic trainees. Their training days are flavored with the occasional romantic encounters with their producer. Then ... the protagonist suddenly dies and is reborn as a dog !? "I am the God...
A world where only some women can use magic. Only the magical idol, commonly known as "Mahodol", can counter the unknown life form "Phantom". "Maygahara Mei Mei" formed a mahodol unit with "Ninomai Elena" and...
Character Introduction/Game Basics Asuka Virgin Idol Debut [dHR-ken] ★ Data for one chapter of the trial version can be transferred to the product version. ★ If you start from the trial version, there is a bonus point (A.P) used in the main story....
The entertainment industry is a battlefield. In recent years, countless pop idols have launched new careers, some achieving fame and fortune, others falling into obscurity. Competition is so fierce, people have started referring to this era as the...
Yurika Hasumi is an idol voice actress. She volunteers for the world’s largest sporting event to help her step-father’s struggling talent agency. Hoping to score a special government loan for her step-father’s business, she finds herself assigned...
Yumeru was super nationwide popular One day, when she returned home, there was a perverted intruder in her house. (Wearing PANTIES on his head !?) He wants her body, he DEMANDS, her body ... "I, I'm everyone's idol! I can not be your exclusive...