Misery is a beautiful woman thief. She has a beautiful appearance, but in her abilities she surpasses all the men in her gang of bandits. In the past, she was a brave and courageous knight of the royal court. But she violated the moral order of the knights because of her trips to the peasants. In the end, she even raped the prince. She was forced to flee the country and became a thief.
She robs and rapes men of all ages. seeks pleasure and can do nothing about it.
One day she learns from the bandits about rumors about a certain dungeon. In which magic items are stored that increase the sensitivity of their owners. And in the farthest room, as they say, there is a gin lamp that can make your desires come true. Her subordinates are skeptical about these rumors, and Misery is on fire to get fabulous pleasure. She leaves her gang and goes to look for treasure in the dungeon alone ...