The plot unfolds during the Sengoku period. Our faction has successfully captured Ayame, a girl from the enemy side known as "the strongest ninja. The protagonist receives the following order: "Train Ayame and force her to defect...!".
In search of a rare treasure, a girl-ninja Ayame travels to different places. Later, she learns that the thing she is looking for is located in the castle of the orcs. To get the treasure, it is sent for the invasion in an impregnable castle filled...
An RPG about the bondage, torture and humiliation of a female ninja. Ayame was a rather pretty girl to be working at a dumpling shop. That's because her true form was a promising "kunoichi". But, she was still extremely new. The time has...
@OZ presents the 3rd release of their Corvette series! This time, with an original ninja girl by the name of Kaede. On the top of the secret mission she infiltrates the enemy castle but, she is captured! undergoes intense interrogation! and upon...
The main character, Rikune Kujo, is an excellent ninja who graduated from a ninja school at the top. still genin. A serious but natural personality. However, there is also a strict and cold side to the enemy that should be defeated. After receiving...
Tentacles, spawning & childbirth, bondage, suffocation, cow & horse & dog fuck... A turbulent flying nymph approaches the heroine!! Hard H and loose gags explode, AVG, here we go! Suddenly, a mysterious beautiful girl who "falls...
Samurai was the top of the world. When Samurai lost their power, Ninjas took their places to rule. It's an age of Ninjas. And this is a story about a Ninja girl in Ninja's country, Sougetsu....
Fap Ninja is a fast-paced tap-to-fap hentai game for adults, featuring the sexy, badass Fap Ninja. She's accompanied by Hot Horny Honzo, the legendary samurai and sex toy maker. Of course, no decent hentai game would be complete without a squishy 8...
Do your best to get away from the mega horny kunoichi! It's an action-packed, cute-and-sexy game of tag! It's the newest in our series about running away, and it's even better than before! This time, your opponent is a ninja~ Can our runaway hero...
Modern Japan. Girl-ninja Mikage Azusa from the group "Oboro" protects the tranquility of people from the shadows, and fights against the huge criminal organization "Magus" for many years. Suffering defeat from Azusa many times,...
The hopes of Strelitzia rest on the shoulders of one young girl with the Power of Taima; a power she has never developed, a power that can save them all. ONEONE1 presents an orgasmic interspecies birth RPG!!!...
April O'Neil got tired of wearing a tight yellow jumpsuit all the time and decided to take it off. So she learned kung fu naked and went to kick Schroeder's ass so she could fuck him and Krang. Along the way she fucked all the other villains and...
A long time ago In the world of a battle nation, there were two countries competing for supremacy. The Hakuonis who has the army like demons and trying to keep the world under control [Hakuoni Seibei]. The Haraguros who is exploiting girls to make...