The game is based on the animated series "Spider-Man" of 1994. The plot of the game begins exactly at the moment where the original series ended. In this game you have to play for Peter Parker (Spider-Man), who finally managed to find his...
The game is based on the animated series "Spider-Man" of 1994. The plot of the game begins exactly at the moment where the original series ended. In this game you have to play for Peter Parker (Spider-Man), who finally managed to find his...
This game is about a mother called Rachel, living in a city under siege, in a semi-apocalyptic universe. The country is in war, her husband is left home to fight for the country and never came back. Now she has to take care of her son, Michael, and...
Thank you for your interest in my game. In Alison you will play as Michael. A highly trained X military veteran, currently working as a police officer in NYC. Michael rescues a young girl/woman named Alison from a terrible fate in his daily routine...
Each month, in our game: "Wicked Choices", you will play one of the TWO major characters that you will control. the first is MICHAEL PRESTON (or the name of your choosing), the true Main Character that chronicles the events that unfolds...
View of family is a pov, rpg game with some kind of open world. in perspective. A lot of quests will allow you to put yourself in this incredible adventures. You'll assume the role of a ordinary 21 year guy. who lives a normal life and working as...
"View of family" is a pov, rpg game with some kind of open world... in perspective. A lot of quests will allow you to put yourself in this incredible adventures. You'll assume the role of a ordinary 21 year guy... who lives a normal life...
A young man decides to blackmail his entire family for sexual favors. All of them, in fact. In addition to the traditional mother/sister/aunt, there is also a grandmother and even a father. Naturally, he doesn't stop at his family, but uses...