Happy Ridiya is an ordinary cute student.
But things change when she becomes a "brutal mercenary mercenary."
Armed to the teeth and this is necessary against elite assassins.
Of course, she is not from cheap mercenaries. To hire Ridiya, you have to shell out for 1 million green $ bucks.
In the dedicated circles, it is called "Poison Ivy".
"She's Poison Ivy." You'll either choose life with this beauty, or die. "
For Ridiya set a simple task: to penetrate, steal secret documents and remove a specific person.
But she was framed. This is a trap and now it is surrounded by a crowd of enemies.
The only way out is to start a bloodbath. This is some kind of blood pressure.
The password for unlocking the gallery will be published in August on the KRCStudio blog.
The game is a 2D shooter. Shoot with the letters of the keyboard.
A sort of training on the speed of the grind on the buttons and attention.