A high school student, Emiya Shiro, becomes an involuntary participant in the so-called "Holy Grail War", which takes place from time to time in the Japanese city of Fuyuki. This is the struggle of the seven magicians for the possession of the legendary artifact - the Holy Grail, which will fulfill any desire of the winner and, thus, change his fate.
Every mage, from the moment of his participation in the war, has called on the servant - one of the great heroic souls of the past or future - fighting on the side of his master. There are seven servants, they all belong to different fighting classes: swordsman (Saber), archer (Archer), spearman (Lancer), horseman (Ryder), berserker, killer (Assassin) and magician (Caster). The battle continues until one pair of master and servant remains. Emiya Shirou against her will calls the swordswoman - a servant who has set herself the goal of reaching the Grail in any way. However, he does not want to participate in the battle, as in the last war he lost all his relatives. Emiya begins to help Tohsaka Rin, a powerful mage who studies at the same school as Shiro. But the rules of the Holy Grail war indicate that sooner or later they will have to fight among themselves, and the most possible outcome for the loser is death.