The protagonist transferred to a new college with a lot of girls. But the girls rejected his presence, spearheaded by a hateful leader. She was the class president, Kana. Driven to a corner, the protagonist snapped and abducted by Kana. In an...
Due to various circumstances, Ms. Ayase, a dark girl who is forced to fight as an overexposed magical girl, works hard at exposing herself in order to collect magical power, appears on TV, and becomes the masturbation pet of the boys in her class....
One day, a certain girl is forced to make a contract with a mysterious creature and becomes a magical girl. This is a story about a comical struggle with a mysterious creature to restore one's peace....
This day was like all the others. One moment Rui was in class, and the next moment she was in a cave. She was fleeing from a monster that had pounced on her, and she met a magical girl named Sol. Sol told her about the crisis that threatened both...
The terrifying story of Lily - an innocent girl who gets corrupted into a mind-broken village slut. Village Slut is a story-based game that focuses on the slow corruption of the main character, Lily. I used the word "slow" because I...
This is a business simulation. You play as a succubus, capture adventurous girls, transform them into various items to sell in your store. Your task is to bring your shop to the first place in the ranking of stores....
This is the story of an ordinary girl. encountering a life-form from another dimension and subsequently becoming magical girls fighting against the darkness of society!...
A 3D Simulation where you can pleasure Maya however you wish! Have sex in many of the various places to choose from! Change her appearance however you want! And more!...
Emo, a popular MeTuber on the video distribution site “MeTube,” has been delivering games today. She goes to bed in the morning and wakes up in the evening, but once in a while, she makes a promise to play with her friends… and gets stood up. –She...
Kaede Sato, who returned from a part-time job with the intention of enjoying the summer vacation from tomorrow, encounters a scene where a man in zentai is attacking a woman. Kaede transforms into a magical girl when she is helped by a mysterious...